About Us
Mission, Vision & Values
HealthNet Aeromedical Services is committed to providing compassionate, high quality care to our patients. Operational safety is our first priority and the focus of every aspect of our endeavors.
To be the premier provider of critical care transport services.
Safety – We value safety above all. Safety is our culture and is evident in every aspect of our operation.
Quality – We value providing the highest quality care, delivered with concern and compassion, to those entrusted to us. We are driven to continually assess and improve all components of our operation.
Service - We value serving our patients and other healthcare/public safety professionals. We are committed to exceeding the expectations of those whom we serve.
Education – We value the delivery of high quality educational programs that result in exceptional patient care.

Equipped to Serve
Our fleet is comprised of 42 ambulances that serve our seven base locations in West Virginia.

Highly Skilled Team
The more than 160 clinicians who serve our patients receive extensive and continuous training through our internal Education and Safety Departments.

Going the Distance
In 2023, our team members traveled more than 1.7 million miles to deliver patients to the proper healthcare facilities.
Caring for Patients of All Ages
Our two specially designed pediatric transport vehicles allow the Pediatric and Neonatal Transport Teams at WVU Medicine Children's Hospital and CAMC Women and Children's Hospital to deliver intensive care to children and infants. The cheerful exterior paint scheme and bright interior of these vehicles make the transport experience less intimidating for young patients.